關於pointing finger的評價, Goodbye HK, Hello UK
封面好重要嘅,不過左膠光環同國際關注係兩回事... 2019年12月11號(即係今日),昂山素姬代表緬甸軍政府响海牙法庭,就羅興亞人種族滅絕案為辯護發言,佢嗰啲類似丙強同林奠嘅語言藝術同辯護理由,就...
封面好重要嘅,不過左膠光環同國際關注係兩回事... 2019年12月11號(即係今日),昂山素姬代表緬甸軍政府响海牙法庭,就羅興亞人種族滅絕案為辯護發言,佢嗰啲類似丙強同林奠嘅語言藝術同辯護理由,就...
When you point a finger at someone else, you shou...
First Picture: My mom is singing to me Second Pict...
A major motion picture is using my song without m...
Dear Students, Alumni and Colleagues, People ar...
His tiny little pointing finger 👈🏻 Point from nor...
Happy and proud of how Singapore has dealt with th...
【讀WSJ學英文 l 美國撤離駐中國外交官對中美關係之影響 】 大家早安! 面對Monday b...
"It's like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do...